Prestigious development in a place with an ESTABLISHED TRADITION and social function.

Against the background of the characteristic frontage buildings of the Nadodrze district contrasted with the tranquillity of the Oder River, Bulwar Słoneczny (the Sunny Boulevard) and Słodowa Island, you can see two apartment buildings, differing in height, which fit in perfectly with theatmosphere of the place.

The building was constructed on a site with an established social function and tradition. It is located in the neighbourhood of important centres on the map of Wrocław.

  • Stare Miasto (the Old Town)
  • University of Wroclaw
  • Ostrów Tumski (the Cathedral Island)
  • Słodowa Island
  • Marinas on the Oder

Ideal location and certainty of future neighbourhood.

The ideal location of the modern buildings allows comfortable living conditions. There
are institutions in the area that guarantee ease of daily living

  • schools,
  • offices,
  • shopping malls,
  • service premises, etc.

Public transport, to which the potential client has very good access, allows quick access to the city’s hotspots. The immediate proximity of green areas, creates a peaceful character to the place and allows for active leisure activities in nature.
The most important element of nature is an old, monumental oak tree, symbolising a bygone époque, while at the same time providing a sense of stability and housing security.

Proximity to the city centre and iconic
Wrocław sites.
1Rynek – Stare Miastoon foot12 min
2University of Wroclawon foot7 min
3Ostrów Tumskion foot13 min
4Pl. Dominikańskion foot16 min
5Słodowa Islandon foot2 min
6Hala Targowaon foot10 min
7Pl. Nowy Targon foot13 min
8Wrocław Nadodrzeon foot18 min
9Air portby car25 min